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build a new elementary campus to replace Fabra Elementary School, to make renovations to Boerne Middle School North and Boerne High School, to buy school buses and address district-wide technology and maintenance needs.Because the district has retired or restructured debt from its last bond election, Ogle said no tax rate increase likely would be required to pay off up to $95 million in new bonds.пїЅпїЅWe need to take a hard look at that amount,пїЅпїЅ he said, noting the long-range planning committee may be reconvened to reassess the recommendations it issued in May.Boerne residents
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5252   ineliaBunny комментариев публикаций - Гости | 7 июля 2013 19:00
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resents America The Book Naked Pictures of Famous People ManпїЅпїЅ Garrincha National Stadium in May 2013. TomпїЅпїЅs Faquini Portal da Copa. View full size Brazil vs. Japan will open FIFA Confederations Cup Brazil 2013 at 4 p. m. local time at EstпїЅпїЅdio Nacional ManпїЅпїЅ Garrincha in?BrasпїЅпїЅlia today. Federal District officials informed security and urban mobility actions for the event, which will include the "BrasпїЅпїЅlia Joga Junto" BrasпїЅпїЅlia Plays Along party from 1 p. m. to 11 p. m. on Esplanada dos MinistпїЅпїЅrios, the lawn between the Metropolitan Cathedral and the National Congress. At the Esplanada, nine high res screens will show the opening ceremony and the match. After the game, arena goers can follow a parade led by trios elпїЅпїЅtricos sound wired trucks with bands playing on top, namely ObarпїЅпїЅ, Ile Axe Oya Bagan, Mambembricante, Banda Imagem, PпїЅпїЅ de Cerrado and Boi do Seu Teodoro to the Esplanada for shows. The lineup: Seu Estrelo e FuпїЅпїЅ de Terreiro opening at 6 p. m. , Revela??o samba and Asa de пїЅпїЅguia axпїЅпїЅ music from Bahia. Military Police have assigned 3,100 officers to game day security. A team of 607 firefighters and 240 special force officers will be on duty. According to the latest reports in the local press, wholesale soccer jerseys three to five people have been arrested following the protest during which about 200 people burned tires on a road leading to the National Stadium yesterday. Local authorities have renewed their appeal to the public: take public transportantion to the arena. There will be five special bus lines running. other bus lines will be free from noon to 9 p. m. for those with game tickets. a special bus for wheelchair users will be available at Parking 12 at Parque da Cidade. The subway ticket price: R$2 will be open from 6 a. m. on. All stations will be open until 11:30 p. m for departures and arrivals, and after that time Central Station cheap wholesale jerseys will be open for departures only. About 500 taxis will be using the parking lot at the Brasil 21 building. World soccer fans in Brasilia for the Confederations Cup can also enjoy an exhibition?at the National Theater commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 196

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